If you have any questions related to PANNA® embroidery kits, you can contact our managers. However, we strongly recommend that you first read FAQ.
In the process of embroidery I found out that the number of threads in the kit is not enough to finish the work. How could this happen?
All kits put on sale are pre-sewed and checked for the required number of threads. From this, the kit is completed with threads with a excess. This problem may occur if the embroidery is not made according to the instructions: for example, the instructions say that the embroidery shall be made in 2 threads, while the work is being made by you in 3 threads. Very large carrying threads on the back of the canvas, as well as ripping of mistakenly embroidered piece of work can cause increase in the number of threads required. In this regard, we strongly recommend that you follow the instructions and exercise attention when embroidering.
Where can I see how many blends (color mixings) are there in the pattern, in which technique is the work done, how many threads should be used in embroidering?
Quite often there is a lot of information and it cannot be put in the description on the website, so the information about the kit is always specified in the key on the chart of each kit. The number of threads largely depends on the canvas, which is used for embroidering. Designers adhere to the standards which you can find in any embroidery literature. For example, embroidery on canvas Aida No.11 is made in 3 threads, on canvas Aida No.14 and 16 - in 2 threads, on canvas Aida No.18 – in 1 thread, etc.
On the chart the thread colors are indicated by words, but how can I find out the exact numbers of colors?
Exact numbers of thread colors are not specified for the purpose of imitation protection. Describe the problem due to which it became necessary for you to find out the color number, and we will try to help you.
After unpacking the kit, I found out that the colour palette of threads (colour tones) a little bit differs from the one which is depicted on the cover. Why is that?
The thread’ colours may slightly differ from those of the cover image due to printing variations in the process of production. We take measures and make efforts to ensure the correspondence of the completed embroidery with the picture to the extent possible. However, when purchasing a kit, you should consider that there may be some colour (tone) deviations. Moreover, such discrepancy could occur in the early kits, on which covers the image of embroidery imitation, not the photo of the real embroidered work, was given. All kits manufactured at the moment have a real image of embroidered picture on the cover.
I have purchased the kits from the same series, but the colour tones of completed embroidery works are different. Why is that?
We do not manufacture a series of embroideries. Each kit is an independent work. We offer the craftswomen an opportunity to select the works to their collections by themselves.
Which hoops are better to be used in embroidery?
The choice between the material (plastic or wood) is a matter of taste and personal preferences. For a kit purchased as a gift, we recommend purchasing a wooden embroidery hoop. We would also like to note that the embroidery hoop with screw is more convenient to work with.
How often PANNA® releases new kits?
The new kits appear in PANNA® range on a regular basis. On average, this happens once in two months, and it’s usually a few dozen of kits. We try to promptly announce new kits in the "Coming soon" section.
Can you make the chart (and select the embroidery threads) based on my photos?
We do not manufacture individual embroidery patterns based on your photos.